
Rihanna pushes for global education on Twitter

Rihanna has solicited responses from some of the world's top politicians after sharing her support for global education.
The Barbadian pop star earned the Harvard Humanitarian of the Year award in February (17) and her interest in improving the lives of others was loud and clear on Friday (23Jun17), when she took to Twitter to raise awareness for the Global Partnership for Education charity.

Addressing her 'Rihanna Navy' fans first, the Diamonds singer wrote: "Hey Navy – step up w/ me and be a @GlblCtzn ! Demand that #G20 leaders agree in July to support 4 @GPforEducation (sic)".
In the message the 29-year-old called attention to the 2017 G20 Hamburg summit, an event taking place in Germany on 7-8 July (17), where leaders from 20 countries with the largest economies are due to hold serious discussions about the world's most pressing international issues.
Rihanna clearly believes education should be a top priority at the next G20 meeting and in support of philanthropists at Global Partnership for Education, the singer asked politicians directly via Twitter if they would agree to put schooling on the top of their priority lists.
The star contacted Argentinian President Mauricio Macri, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President of France Emmanuel Macron and the German press secretary Steffen Seibert about their stance on educational issues and received warm responses from the politicians.
"Hola @Rihanna! Education is in the central core of our political aims. Only education can change the world," Argentina's Macri wrote, while Canada's Trudeau echoed the sentiment, writing: "@rihanna we've got your back! Thanks to @mclaudebibeau who made sure girls' education is in our feminist international development policy."
Finally, Germany's Seibert noted his country has even committed more money to the issue, tweeting: "Hi @Rihanna, education is a key area of German development policy. We have nearly doubled spending since 2013.Thanks for spreading the word!".